
  • Depending on their current state or environmental factors, some plants may have underlying health issues that cannot be fully resolved.

  • Plants often need time to adjust to changes, and initial results may not be immediately visible.

  • Changes like new growth, reduced leaf discoloration, or improved posture may indicate recovery, but some plants may experience a “shock” period before improving.

  • Progress will vary depending on the plant's condition, species, and environmental factors such as light, humidity, and air circulation.

  • Most plants require 6–12 weeks to show significant recovery. However, some may need longer depending on their condition.

  • We cannot guarantee full recovery for plants suffering from irreversible damage, long-term neglect, or severe infestations/diseases.

Important Notes & Limitations

  1. No Guaranteed Results: While we use expert knowledge and best practices, plant recovery depends on factors outside of our control, including the plant's health at the start, environmental conditions, and client adherence to care instructions.

  2. Ongoing Care Commitment: Clients must follow the care plan we provide. Failure to do so may result in limited progress or plant decline.

  3. Replacement Policy: In cases where recovery is not possible, we may recommend replacing the plant. Replacement costs are not covered by our services unless otherwise specified.

  4. Pest Treatment Disclaimer: Pest control treatments are effective over time and may require multiple applications. We cannot guarantee permanent pest eradication if the environment is reinfested.

  5. Vacation or Extended Absence: If plants are left unattended for an extended period without proper care (e.g., during vacations), their health may decline, and recovery may take longer.

  6. Environmental Limitations: If your space lacks adequate light, humidity, or ventilation, plant recovery may be hindered. We can provide recommendations for improving conditions, but the client is responsible for implementing these changes.